Name of Board | BISE Sahiwal |
Class Name | Inter (12th Class) |
Exams Date | June |
Result Status | Announce |
Result Announce Date | October |
Result Announce Time | 10:00 AM |
Year | 2022 |
Result Type | Annual |
BISE Sahiwal Board Intermediate 12th Class Result 2022 Check by Roll No & Name
As all students are aware, the BISE Sahiwal 12th Class result is announced every year in September, whereas the exams are normally held in April. This year, the board will follow the same result announcement approach as last year, and the BISE Sahiwal 12th Class Result will be released in October 2022.
So far, no official word from the board has been made about the announcement of the results, although rumors are circulating that it will happen shortly. All candidates awaiting the outcome are recommended to stay connected with us. We’ll keep you up to date on the results by sending you an email.
Inter Result 2022 of Sahiwal Board
We wish the FSC/FA/ICS students the best of luck in their exams and eagerly await their results. Our website will make a comment about the 2nd year’s results and will inform you as soon as they are available on the official website.
Every year, it is expected that over 2 million candidates sit for intermediate exams in Sahiwal. The results of Sahiwal BISE students continue to outnumber those of other boards. Last year, around 60% of students performed well on the tests.
How to Check Sahiwal Board Result by SMS?
Do you wish to see your total marks or receive a text message with your results?
Then, by typing your roll number into the corresponding Board’s code, you must send an SMS. It will respond with the total marks for the 12th grade.
Each board has its own code. If your roll number is 123456, for example, type it into the message box and send it to the code 800292.
Introduction to the Sahiwal Board
The BISE Sahiwal Board was established in 2012. Since 2012, the Sahiwal Board has been conducting matric and inter examinations, with crystal clear results. The BISE Sahiwal Board has jurisdiction over the districts of Vehari, Okara, and Sahiwal. These districts are part of the Sahiwal BISE Board of Education. The Interpret 2 outcomes will be announced on September 30, 2022.